
We sell raw honey from the gate, produced from our bees, it is only filtered once. Normally we only harvest around August, so have honey available then. Very occasionally if the spring is kind will we have an early harvest. We also have Nucleus and Queen Bees for sale, weather permitting.

As a supporter/volunteer bee walker of The Bumblebee Conservation Trust, I collect data once a month by transect walks around the land. This gives us help with our pollinator planted areas, also providing natural forage for other insects, of which include, butterflies and moths. Alongside this working to evolve our environment for the Wales Biodiversity Project, Nature Conservation Wales, which covers bees and any other species of pollinator. We are also pleased to have a pollinator champion certification.


Visit the online shop, for Handcrafted Honey soaps, Bee gifts, Seeds, and Bee friendly plants.


We specialize in seed grown bee friendly plants, if we can't grow it, we don't sell it. Also, a lot of plants are grown from home collected seed. Every year we strive to plant in more native grasses and wildflower plants and trees, of which are grown from seed. Young woodland areas are being developed and are being enhanced to encourage, Moths and insects, of which we provide bug hotels made from natural materials.

All images provided with thanks, and permission from the Bumblebee Conservation Trust

 Pollinator monitoring projects